Friday, September 11, 2009

brain fart

...pretty much sums up the last few hours of my day. Alone in my cubicle earlier I may or may not have overdosed on sugar (via my huge "party-size" box of Twilight-themed conversation hearts) to try and get some (fake) energy to slog through my intense workload. Of course, since I haven't had candy in quite awhile, the sugar coursed immediately through my blood stream like it was in a vacuum. I then proceeded to throw myself my own little cubicle rave and host a private moshpit in my cube, and then I promptly crashed and contemplated throwing myself out the window. It's odd how sugar will make you go from headbanging to the Jonas Brothers in your cubicle to feeling like a semi just squashed you on the I-5. It was a doozy, let me tell you.

1 comment:

momnpops said...

Mom is learning how to comment