Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A friend and I were talking today about how amazing it must be to be one of those miners who were trapped under the ground for 69 days, and finally be hoisted up in this claustrophobic little cage to see your family and the sunlight again for the first time in over 2 months. It makes me wonder if those miners want to never see each other again, or if they've bonded like a family? And if they're going back to their jobs (My guess would be no)? And. and. So many questions. Such an interesting situation down there, but I echo Obama's sentiments that their tears of joy are our tears.

The heat wave here in SF hasn't actually been felt as strongly as I thought it would. They kept saying "excessive heat, beware!" practically implying we'd all metl into nothing unless we locked ourselves in our freezers. Apparently not, and just like good old days, excessive heat just means over 70.

Since I've been babysitting this week instead of hitting the gym early, I have been trying to fit in workouts more creatively. So although I always miss seeing Nolan when he has to be in class late, I secretly enjoy that it means I can work out in my living room with the Wii and not risk being laughed at. Because oh yes, it is laughable.

Quote of the day:
DG: "so I found a picture of the first Chilean miner to emerge from the tunnel..."


Heidi said...

Hahahaha!!! That picture is great!

Pops said...

All I can think of is the incredile stink that must have accompanied the miners from the depths of the hole.