Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hola chickadees! Or, as Nolan said yesterday, "chick-a-poo-poo". Don't know why he called me that as I headed to bed, but I think it had to do with the fact that he was playing Warcraft, and sometimes that messes with his ability to communicate coherently.

Yesterday, we received 2 good things from our gracious landlords:
1. A new air-conditioning unit. Praise the Lord. Seriously, it is so weird to go from bundling up YEAR ROUND and having cold, raw chilblains always, to dying of heat stroke in my own house. But there you have it. So we're happy about that.
2. A new little bistro table for the front yard! This was just an after-thought from our landlords, who thought we'd enjoy a bistro table to sit at together on saturday mornings while we sip our coffee and watch the birds. See?

Speaking of birds: I also am going fully suburban here, because I bought my first bird-feeder. We have TONS of birds (even owls in the evening!) around our house, and thought it would be fun to get them all in one place. Also, Milo has been SO ENTHRALLED with it so far...the other day, he was staring so intently at the birds on the feeder that he totally missed a ginger tabby-cat slinking along our fence. Cat-sense FAIL. Anyway, it took the birds a day to get used to this new toy, but as you can see, after only 3 days, the stupid twits have already eaten half of the contents! This may prove to be an expensive habit:

We're also seeing some bullying so far. The other day a bunch of finches were happily munching on seeds, when a gigantic bluejay came and sat on top of the feeder and shook it heartily, knocking them off before flying off into the sunset, undoubtedly cackling to himself.

Nolan's been officially working for a few days now, and even got his fancy new scrubs that are emblazoned with "Nolan Caldwell, MD" on the chest. He looks so professional and smokin' that I attempted to take a picture on his way out the other day:

...but only caught him while eating his banana bread and scolding me about taking pictures at inopportune moments. Heh.

Tonight I am hanging out with the lovely Ash U at her place in our old 'hood, and so I drove into the city this morning, parked, and took the muni downtown. And let me just say: LIFE IS SO UNFAIR. Apparently, a week after we moved out of the city, the city decided that people in the Sunset need another means of transportation downtown (ya think?), and that the N-Judah is not good enough (...or even close in my opinion). So: they created the N-Express, which basically picks up folks until 19th avenue, which is pretty much where I got on before, and then it doesn't stop at all until Bush and Montgomery Streets downtown...which is a block from where I work. It took all of 15-20 minutes to get there, and there wasn't a single weirdo on it. Why didn't they create this 4 years ago when it would have made a world of difference for moi? Because San Francisco hates me. Deeply.

Quote of the Day:
Nolan (via text): "I love you like leather daddies love Andrew Cuomo."


Heidi said...

I'm just throwing it out there that your posts are highly entertaining and I love reading them!

Also, while I run in the a.m. I've been watching Grey's Anatomy. So the fact that Nolan has scrubs that say "Nolan Caldwell, MD" makes me think he's some kind of celebrity. It's awesome.

Unknown said...

Hey... now you know why I listed birdseed on my Christmas wish list last December. Those feathered creatures consume more $ than I do! But then I do have 6 different kinds of seed out there, some that the jays and black birds don't like but especially attract the finches. Soon Milo will catch on and will demand more canned food!

neighboUr said...

hah - I feel like he's a celebrity too!

Anna - Milo's been demanding more canned food since I adopted him! Or should I say, more food in general ;)