Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Last weekend was a whirlwind. So much for a 6-day vacation! Seriously: we drove up super late Thursday to Oregon, getting in at about 2am, then crashed for a few hours before I had to LEAVE for Coos Bay at 7am to start wedding stuff. All the crazy stuff and events for the wedding happened, then back to Brookings for a couple days in which we rested, but I still felt like it was just a weekendand not any longer, and then we drove back down home on Tuesday evening. FINALLY I had a day to just rest and relax at home on Wednesday before heading back to work on Thursday (today). And whoo boy. I had me a lot of emails to catch up on. Anyway: Wednesday was awesome in that we got tons of stuff done, and mostly finished cleaning up (ahem: Nolan's room...), and took some boxes to Goodwill in Menlo Park, which turned out to be a "Goodwill Boutique" (wtf) meaning they wouldn't take our crap at their upscale charity store. We lounged around...and even got in a good dinner and watched "Thor"...which was a cool movie but not necessarily a great one. Eh. Also we ate pears. And DID WE EVER eat pears. Since one of the themes of the wedding was "the perfect pear", there were boxes upon boxes of pears left over, and guess who got to eat them in every single salad and at each meal and OH BY THE WAY WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A BOX HOME WITH YOU. I've been burping up pears for days now, AND WORSE. It's a good thing it's one of my favourite fruits, because otherwise I would have died of pear overdose a couple days ago. Also handfuls upon handfuls of pear candies = terrible idea. I spent the car-ride home listening to Milo cry while my insides threatened to hurl up pear jelly-bellys like an automatic weapon. Anyway. The good parts. The wedding went off without a hitch, and the rain even held off long enough to get some good shots outside, although I have to say that if you're reading this, Chelsey, you owe me a coffee for nearly making me go into hypothermia out there. xoxo.
Want to see?
Don't they look lovely?! Picture courtesy of (meaning I yanked it from facebook) Applewood Photography.
Also the less significant Caldwells at the wedding cleaned up pretty nicely (at least for the rehearsal: I don't have any good ones from the actual day yet):

And right here, I'm going to tell you that I'm putting up pictures of our new place (w00t w00t!) at the end of this post, but you have to slog through my thankfulness to get there. If there's anything I've learned from marketing and the business world...

1. I'm thankful for the GORGEOUS weather at our new home. I think I'm going to be thankful for this every single week FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. But seriously.
2. I'm thankful my sister-in-law and her new hubby are getting settled into their new lives. Such an exciting time and they had such a great send-off! But I'm a little bit thankful the wedding madness is over, heh. And I didn't even do that much for it!
3. I'm thankful I got to take yesterday off. I needed a lazy/productive day around the house.
4. I'm thankful we're done moving in at last!
5. I'm thankful for pears and other tasty foods, but please God, I need a little something else.
6. I'm thankful that I'm still enjoying my morning commute, and SPEAKING OF:
6b. I'm thankful that the Millbrae BART station always, ALWAYS smells like warm chocolate chip cookies in the mornings. I don't know why, and I probably don't want to know, but after the foul stenches of the Muni and of San Francisco herself...warm chocolate cookies? YES PLEASE.
7. I'm thankful for Nolan's new motorcyle. Oh, did I mention he got a new motorcycle? And that it's beautiful and perfect and purrs like a kitten? You should see how happy it makes him. Along with his new bikes, and his new egg-shaped car...sigh.

If you're still reading by now, you probably want to see pictures of our new home. Ready? Obviously these aren't all of them (I didn't include a picture of Milo's "room" or of the garage or the hallway, or random other angles, blah blah blah...but you get the picture.):


Kitchen with our little dining area and leaf-less table:

Living Room:
What you didn't see in the previous one:


Separate shower! Love!

Guest bedroom/Nolan's office/MANCAVE (Milo obviously needs his man time too):

Our bedroom:

Want to see more? Come visit us!

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