Monday, June 6, 2011

turds and whey

We went up to visit my parents for the weekend, and it was so relaxing and nice...but there is nothing that compares to coming home to a place you love. Though, there are downsides to living in a residential area - we got out of the car and Nolan instantly stepped in a big pile of dog crap. Welcome to the suburbs. (I guess it's better than getting out of the car and stepping in a pile of human crap - that's San Francisco style)

Nolan's parents sent me a link to an article in the local paper up in his hometown, where they are lauding him for his graduation from Med School. As they should be! I guess it was just funny because he hasn't actually lived there in so long.

After a 3-week hiatus from working out (mostly), I'm back on the boat. And sore. So sore. I even opted for buying my own milk and whey protein powder to keep at work so I don't have to keep using protein bars. Apparently a lot of these protein bars have sugar alcohols in them, which cause gas, and the effect it has on me is this bubbling feeling in my stomach which is NOT comfortable. So. When I work out at home, I use powder with milk, and it's the biggest treat - the best part of working out. I look forward to a tall cold glass of it. So it's about time I look forward to my refreshing treat at work rather than the bubbling stomach.

Life is so unfair: I just spent time and money highlighting my hair and now all I can think about is how great my hair will look when I dye it dark again. Boo.

Cue the email from my dad telling me the best colour is "the colour God gave me".

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