I know that between yesterday's post and this one, my social "coolness" factor is going to drop down to nothing. Alas: I don't care.
Today at lunch I brought my laptop in so that my coworker can train me to be a killing machine in Warcraft...so that I can squish Nolan the next time we play. My ego would appreciate that, as it's still licking its wounds from two days ago.
So we were ramping up in the hour before lunch for our game-training session, and apparently after today I will be ready for domination:
DG: are you getting excited to become all-powerful?
AC: i AM!
AC: nolan's days of glory are over!
AC: (almost)
DG: haha, he's effed. i am going to imbue you with inhuman skill
DG: Nolan's gonna be like WTF, did you become a cyborg?
DG: and you will respond, "yes, Nolan. Yes I HAVE."
DG: then you will slaughter him unmercifully

As you can see, we get pretty into it, locking ourselves away in the huddle room to play Warcraft. SOB. It just sounds so socially awkward.
Also, it's been FREEZING here in SF. I mean I remember what Mark Twain said, but a down jacket in late July? SERIOUSLY???

ALSO: I am SO hooked on my iced white mochas. It's a serious problem. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, but THAT (the amount of fatty syrup and caffeine) is my downfall. I need to quit it, and the only way for my mind to accept that fact is if I have a reason that I CANNOT have caffeine. So...basically I need to either convert to Mormonism or get knocked up quick. Although I suppose the first would immediately spawn the second ;) Either way I need to experience a "burning in my bosom" (HAH!) that makes me give it up.