Monday, July 20, 2009

Say hello to my little friend.

Milo was under fire this week. After some, uhh, "unfortunate incidents", Nolan finally put his foot down and decided that Milo had to leave. Of course, being the Americans that we are, we decided that at least Milo deserved the right to a fair trial before his fate was sealed. So I presented my defendant's case to Nolan, the jury, and after much deliberation, some tears, some wifely pleading and Milo snuggling on Nolan's chest, the verdict was announced. Although Milo WAS indeed found guilty of the 3 charges brought against him, he was deserving of another chance, and will be on probation for the next 6 months while I do some community service (training) on his behalf.
Afterall, who could resist this face?


Pops said...

He does indeed look very guilty!

Ashely said...

He looks like a fat, bitter old man in the first picture. Wait. Training? Does that mean he won't attack me when I try to pet him and then rub his nasty self all over my leg?

Noemma said...

LOL! 3 charges, 0 charges, Milo should get the boot at any thinks!