Well, okay. Yesterday was my birthday, not today. But who wants to blog alone in the dark on their birthday? So I didn't. Instead, I spent the day lounging with Nate at Starbucks and around the house, and then spent several hours playing in the pool while Nate (un)successfully tried to tan "before he leaves for college". Snort. Already I see colour in my skin and the signs of (GASP): summer! To celebrate, Nolan took me out for dinner and Tuttimelon on Tuesday night, then spoiled me with a loooong foot and back massage...YES! The next morning I woke up at 6am to him singing (somewhat successfully) "Happy Birthday" in Spanish and carrying our breakfasts so we could crack open the curtains and enjoy the early morning together. Smmmhhh I love getting up early to just relax. Particularly when it involves my favourite person <3 I then took my time and mosied on up here where I proceded to do the above. And seriously: waking up on a Thursday to the warm sunshine at 7am is SO MUCH BETTER than my normal routine while I'm up here of waking up on a Sunday and sobbing bitterly about having to pack my bags. And I love having several days ahead of me here...possible rafting...possible motorcycle trips...possible lectures from my Opa about how certain pods from a tree in his yard are shaped like screwdriver holes. "Those are Phillips Head holes!"
So... when I logged on and saw that you included a pic in your blog I scrolled down to see it first. It looked like a close up of a man's chest. I couldn't figure out whose it was since Nolan is not so hairy no does he have dark hair. And why was there a phillips screw by this chest? I really should READ your blog first!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I'm sorry I missed it - being on the road and then getting back to my mom's birthday on the 4th has made it crazy around here. Hope it was a blast and you got some good sunshine!
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