Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And it begins, like a lamb before the slaughter...

Day 1 of half-marathon training: CHECK.

I felt so good about myself afterwards too, until I realized that although running 2 miles without stopping is pretty good (considering it's the first workout since the holidays!), in a matter of weeks that number is going to say 12 miles without stopping. Talk about a buzz-kill! I've also consumed more than enough chocolate today, and that makes me feel a little less good about myself, heh.

Today I tried our new coffeemaker in the kitchen for the first time. To be honest, it's the same machine, but instead of the hellishly foul old coffee they used to brew, we're now serving Peet's and Starbucks, with fancy creamers and milk to boot! So far I've had two frothy cups, and I ain't goin' back.

Since the winter months set in, not only are chilblains an unwelcome friend in my life (hello, misery!), but my terrible cuticles are running wild. I once saw a girl in my old small group picking at her cuticle AGAINST THE GRAIN and I almost barfed. Instead, I deal with stray cuticles by smearing gobs of petroleum jelly on them all day at work, since I don't have my manicure kit (thanks, Mom!) here with me. So here I sit, with wet hair, petroleum-covered fingers, and empty chocolate wrappers.

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