Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feelin' myself

Well, proof that I am not in great shape: my quads are KILLING ME after my run yesterday. And it wasn't even that long! I have runs and crosstraining for the next 4 consecutive days, so here's to hoping they feel better! Also, I have been ridiculously tired lately and had serious muchies, so I'm just waiting for my body to readjust to being actually in shape again, haha.

Our house is finally going back to normal. We destroyed it this weekend while unpacking our Mexico bags, and thought we'd do some early spring cleaning at the same time. Nolan was incredulous at the amount of cat hair behind his dresser ("this is like, an entire cat!"), and personally I was amazed at how much trash we threw out and clothes we got rid of. After a few trips to Goodwill, the lady wasn't laughing anymore and said, "Do you have any clothes LEFT?" I looked at her like "lady, you don't know my husband", but I'm pretty sure she interpreted it as "...DO I have any clothes left?" Needless to say, the house looks exactly the same, but WE know there is more space and less junk. Plus more room in closets and drawers! Woo! Nolan's most innovative idea was to start storing our shoes (the ones we wear the most frequently, including our work ones) in a container under the bed. Already the new bane of my day is stooping down to pull that cursed container out from under the bed, dig around in it for my shoes, and try to make them all fit back in and then shove it back under the bed. And guess what! I get to do it all again at the end of the day! We'll see how long I last with that one.

Quote of the day:
*Discussing marathon-friendly running pants*
Ash: "That is totally not going to work unless they're like, plastic. Or steel. Anything that breathes, oozes."


Nolan said...

Anneliese Akin: "I have runs"

Interpreted as "I have the runs" by NJC

neighboUr said...

Hhhh. And I love that you always forget we have the same last name now <3