Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today at the gym, I put on my running clothes, and realized that instead of grabbing my size XS Turkey Trot shirt, I had grabbed Nolan's size XL one. Oh the shame of putting that on and realizing that I shouldn't care about something like how I look at the gym, if I truly am there to work out (and not "work IT" as one of my facebook groups states).

I have a friend who recently moved to a big city, and was unprepared for the differences between that and living in a small town. She got a bit caught up in the "fashion" of it all and things like having to drink only certain liquids because an aesthetician told her so. It's easy to get a bit pretentious when you're surrounded by celebrities and socialites and wealth. At times I've started to feel like because I live in one of the centers of the universe, maybe I should drink only Voss and wear only Hermes scarves and spend my Friday nights at Ruby Skye...but then I remember that really, I am just the sweaty white girl on the treadmill who should go back to 1986 because that is the only time it was cool to wear a shirt that's 5 times too big.

This weekend while I was doing laundry I discovered something that made laundry a little better; a hope that I might someday have cause to carefully heed #1 on this list:

Yes, it would be awesome to find a tiny child hiding in my dryer.


Unknown said...

:) to #1 on the list!

Ashely said...

it makes you wonder if maybe they added a #1 because it's actually happened.