Saturday, January 30, 2010


Yesterday when I was leaving the office, I got on the elevator down and one of my colleagues from the marketing dept was on there, so I said hi and stepped on. As soon as the doors closed, I realized that the elevator reeked strongly of alcohol. Like not a faint odor but a full on "someone just had a drunken rave on this elevator" kind of a stench. I glance at my colleague and her eyes widen as she says, "I swear that wasn't me!" and then, "MAN. I thought this elevator would be empty, but of course HR gets on! Of all the floors for it to stop on." Okay obviously it wasn't her, but who drinks that much alcohol on an afternoon at work that it would smell up the elevator?

Today Sarah and I did our 5 mile run, and I am proud to say we kept our miles to about a 10 minute mile pace. We're on our way! And all the running articles are right; every week it gets a little bit easier and more fun!

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