Monday, January 18, 2010

The art of running in the rain.

This weekend I went up to Placerville to have a boy-free few days with my mom. So we went to the movies, went shopping, watched movies at home (while I scrapbooked and FINALLY finished the London leg of our Europe scrapbook), etc. Somehow I managed to stay motivated enough to fit in my runs too, and tried out my new running shoes and running belt and jacket, to make sure they're race-worthy! So far so good. This Saturday the distance goes to 4 miles, and then keeps going up from there, yikes. But hey at least now I've got the right equipment!

So after a luxurious weekend of relaxing and sleeping in and eating good food (and with good company!), I'm back in the cold city, ready for a new workweek, and of course the El Nino rain that's around all week. Good news is that it's always good to be home with my boys, no matter where that is.

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