Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I dreamed a dream

Don't you hate those dreams that are so convincing, you think they're real? Especially when they play with your emotions? The dream I had this morning was that I woke up early naturally, had a big breakfast, LOTS of coffee (I stopped at Starbucks twice on my way to work), and then sat at my desk and sipped coffee and enjoyed the fact that it was Thursday and OH THE COFFEE. And then I woke up and I was late and it was Tuesday (DANGIT) and there was no coffee. A real-life nightmare. Word on the street is that tomorrow isn't Thursday either, and therefore my workweek isn't even halfway done yet.

Thanks, Chels, for pointing out exactly the picture I had in my head while writing yesterday's post. And now I feel SUPER cool (go to 1:51 in the video):

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