Monday, January 11, 2010

Real runners probably don't use treadmills.

On Saturday, Nolan and I went on a movie and shopping date downtown, and saw "Invictus". I had wanted to wait and see that one at home, because it looked kind of intense and I just can't do that in the theater, but as it turns out, there isn't a shred of torture or violence or anything in the entire film. And it's really good. And I forgot it was Morgan Freeman and not actually Nelson Mandela. And I love South African accents <3 Message here is that it's totally worth seeing. And ps-I still have no desire to see Avatar. Go ahead. Convince me.

Confession: I have been doing my training thus far on the treadmills at the gym. Seriously: if I have to run a few miles each day, why not do it somewhere warm and dry that streams Oprah straight to my personal screen? In my defense, I do run a bit further to compensate for the fact that I know treadmills don't make you work as hard as solid earth. This weekend, Nolan joined me for my run, and we ran the trail through the park with it's hills and rough terrain and even sand in some spots. And let me tell you: I am not as in shape as I thought I was. Resolution: train outside. I've also noticed a softening of the muscle in my core I worked so hard to build up. So, until I somehow figure out how to squeeze more strength-training into my workout schedule, I'll just be sitting at my desk doing subtle (or not-so-subtle) ab workouts at my desk. Yes,I'm THAT person. I'm looking into swapping my office chair out for a giant rubber ball.


chels said...
look this up on YouTube you can skip to 1:51 in but the whole thing is hilarious. You'll be the Dwight in this situation ;)

neighboUr said...

hahaha that is exactly what i was thinking!

Unknown said...
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