I don't know why I spent so much time freaking out about getting my wisdom teeth out. Really, it was no big deal. What I should have been worried about was the aftermath, which I am just starting to experience. Turns out everyone at the oral surgeon's office was super nice, and I really liked the man himself. He cracked a funny joke just as my IV sedation kicked in, and I remember laughing hysterically and then I was out. I woke up once during the procedure because I could feel them cracking my tooth, and although it didn't hurt at all, I just remember thinking, "Huh. That's weird." And then I think I opened my eyes for a second and I heard the doctor say "Oh no, sweetie. Don't do that." Who knows what I was doing. But then the nurse gave me another shot of something in my IV and I was out until they were cleaning up. I remember asking her about 4 times, "so...wait. It's done?" or "Are you really sure? All 4?" And she was laughing and rolling her eyes like this is what she hears every single day. Then she led me to a little room where Nolan came in and held my hand and I iced my face and took some meds. I don't remember much else other than stumbling to the car hanging onto Nolan, dry-heaving into a trash can, and then somehow making it into the house and onto the couch. N helped me bundle up, got me ice, went out to pick up my prescriptions and got me soft foods and some Sprite. I tried the applesauce and meds and sprite a couple times, but threw up each time, so basically I didn't eat or drink at all yesterday.
I kept changing my gauze to stop the bleeding until I woke up at midnight, took them out and decided I just didn't want them in anymore and I didn't taste anymore blood anyway. I haven't had any meds (except penicillin) since yesterday afternoon, and although it's pretty painful, it's more painful to throw up, so I'm trying to avoid taking those meds as much as I can. Milo's been cuddling with me on the couch as I stick frozen peas on my face and try to control the swelling.
I also thought I'd show off some before and after pictures, although I have heard that the swelling this morning is nothing compared to what it will be tomorrow. Here's the before:

And the after (okay obviously makeup helps too, so just ignore the lack of it in this picture and check out my new square face:

it's hip to be a square (face)!I also thought I'd share this pic of my teeth, since the dentist let me take them home. Apparently part of the reason it is so painful right now is because not only were all 4 of my teeth impacted, but they were also fully bony - fused to the bone. So they had to be really jacked out of there. You can see the two whole top wisdom teeth in this picture, and then all those fragments? Those are my two bottom ones, which they had to crack and split to get them out. I also have a 1cm cut on my inside cheek for some reason, so that is why one side is more painful and puffy than the other. Look at my teeth!:

I woke up somewhat groggily around 9:30pm last night to Nolan telling me that some flowers had come for me from my in-laws (thank you both! they are lovely!), and that Milo had already eaten one of them. Sigh.

All in all, I would have to say that the actual surgery was...interesting and almost fun (I know, I mocked people who said that before), but if you haven't had yours done yet, be aware that the hours and days following are terrible. This is day 1.
I also have to just say that I have the best husband in the world, who clears his schedule to take care of me (a big deal for someone so busy!), stops at home between his meetings to kiss me before my appointment, and then waits on me hand and foot doing whatever I need. He even holds my hair back when I barf and cleans it all up for me, and tells me he loves my new square face and that I look beautiful. What can I say? I feel sorry for the rest of the women in the world, as they obviously have to settle since I got the best guy out there. <3