Monday, March 2, 2009

pahhhdon, i seem to have lost my luggage

Good news: Airlines lost 1.3 million bags LESS last year than the previous year. Hurrah. Bad news: this REALLY puts the odds of losing your luggage into perspective. Travel light, kids.

I've fallen into the virtual abyss--I have been SUCH a loser lately that I have been living through my facebook profile/blogs instead of actually hanging out with people, all the while feigning exhaustion from the new job (but we know that is past), so this week I am changing that. Hopefully. I mean if you guys still want me <3

I also had another couple of breakthroughs recently. One being that Oregon Chai concentrate mixed with milk happily substitutes for my white mochas in the mornings, and saves me almost 300 calories/lots of grams of sugar/money/addiction status per day. I will be bringing it in my sparkly pink mug (thanks, Nolan!), ready to save my day, every morning to work from now on. Another thing I realized, on a TOTALLY unrelated and different note, is that I need to do something with my life. Like...I care about illiteracy and think it is the saddest thing in the world that adults cannot read. You are almost helpless nowadays if you cannot read! So, I am going to do something about it. Someday I will announce what that is, but for now I have my own ideas in my head, and just thought I would put that out there. I care. So there.

Tomorrow I will be unveiling Milo's new project (be prepared)...YES my mother bought a project for Milo and Nolan and I to work on together, and I know that sounds really shady right now but trust me. Tomorrow. It will be worth it.


Mrs. Campbell said...

I am glued to my computer screen waiting for the big reveal! ;-)

Unknown said...

Did you get it?