Thursday, March 19, 2009

smmmmmhhhh. memories.

You know how some things trigger memories by smell alone? Like, when I smell cherry/strawberry chapstick brand chapstick, I think of my dad and how he used to take me to breakfast in his convertible when I was 5, before anyone else was awake. When I smell Victoria's Secret "heavenly" perfume, I think of the first cabin we stayed in on our honeymoon, because that is the only perfume I brought with me. When I smell frangipanis (flowers), I remember my 6th birthday in Hawaii and how we bought frangipani scented lotion and went to the Dole factory. This morning I was walking down the street to my starbucks, and smelled that mixture of the hot steam from the street vents and cigarettes, and all I could think about was airports and every trip I have ever taken, and how much. I want. to go somewhere. Smmmmmhhhhh.

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