Monday, March 30, 2009

pee in a pod

Apparently Milo either was not holding his bladder for 40 hours while we trained him, or was very angry at us at some point, because he destroyed several hundred dollars worth of medical books with his bodily fluids/solids, and Nolan discovered the little treasures today. A lot of things have been happening lately that haven't been so great, but now it's just starting to feel like crap is happening (no pun intended) just because it can. Nolan's method of dealing with this is to cocoon himself in our sheets until I take pity on his pouting and coax him out. Like so:

For a brief second we contemplated giving Milo away, until he ran past, threw a ball of paper in the air, caught it with his teeth, then darted into the bedroom with it, tail in air. We guess we'll keep him :)

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