Monday, April 20, 2009


It's official:
Not only am I the proud owner of a new iPhone 3G, but I AM IN LOVE. with my phone. I will never part from it again. From the awesome layout and ease to the FANTASTIC apps and the amazing phone was meant to be. Nolan and I have wasted our lives away tonight downloading apps and figuring out how this thing works. Excellent.

The only downside is that now I have to actually buy an alarm, so that I can powerdown my iPhone at night. Hmm.

Camping this weekend was fun, except for a couple things:
1.) I got a sunburn. It burrrrrns.
2.) I had no sleeping bag, and only one small blanket. Being in the same boat, Brandon and I both suffered through the coldest, most miserable night EVER complete with rocks underneath and a cold wind over us. Misery. Upside? We stuffed 6 guys and girls into a tent to keep warm (the other 4 were set), and I think I heard some of the most disturbing things ever. Downside: our BIBLE STUDY LEADER suggested (honestly) that the two of us who had no sleeping bags, sleep together for warmth. Nolan was murderous and thought I should freeze instead. Rightly so.

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