Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mister Ed

You know when someone says something to you that makes you think, "umm, is that a compliment...?" I got two of those from a coworker today, starting with when I walked into the office: "Hey. You look very equestrian today." HHhhhh. Thanks, that is EXACTLY what I was aiming for.

...and then an email later saying just this:
"Omg. I just realized that you are Lindsay Lohan from Mean Girls." To which I replied:

Thanks, pal. I feel so secure now that I know I stand in your mind somewhere between pre-meltdown Lindsay Lohan and Mister Ed.

Tonight my in-laws come, so besides the fact that this means I am getting a new couch tonight (woooo!), and the fact that Nolan and I can't decide which old crappy one to get rid of, I know that within the next few days, there is a lot of Tuttimelon and ethnic food in my future. I'm also hoping that the gaping hole in my gum/cheek (Nolan found it when he examined my mouth last WONDER it's been killing me!) will be gone by this weekend so that I can eat all.the cadbury. eggs. I. want. I have been brushing at it vigourously because I thought maybe it was because my gums didn't have enough bloodflow goin on, but no. Apparently I was just opening the abyss.

1 comment:

Ashely said...

that's disgusting. are you sure you want the whole world to know that you have a communicable disease in your mouth?

just keeping it real,