I miss your scent. haha.
Well, the concert was fan-tas-tic. Granted, I think we were all a little bit star-struck when La Britney came onstage ("omg! I just read about her in the news and there she is!"), but the actual production was amazing. Best concert I have been to, hands-down. The circus layout was impressive, and the dancers were phenomenal. Who knew contortionists could be graceful and gorgeous and not just bizarre and freaky. The show was the same caliber as Cirque du Soleil, and well worth the money paid for the tickets, if you ask me. I know, I'm surprised too. Though, I have to say, that the two most amazing things of the evening were by far that 1.) Sarah got punched in the ear by a drunk fan who was trying to start a brawl (seriously), and 2.) I paid $7 for a tiny glass of 2 Buck Chuck. Also, to our relief, Britney had better taste than to subject thousands of people to her infamously stupid ballad, "My Baby". I'm glad she loves her kids enough to write a song about them, but...it may be one of the stupidest songs of all time. Right up there with the "I Love College" song (who includes people chanting, "Freshman, Freshman!" in a song?!).
The only picture I got of the night was this:

...which upon further review, shows nothing but a lit up stage. Dangit.
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