I decided to bridge the gap between my thanksgivings by writing this post today instead of yesterday. Nolan and almost all of his colleagues were working yesterday, so we're throwing a potluck-style thanksgiving feast tonight. I was told yesterday that everyone's been calling it the "Orphan Thanksgiving" since we're all not able to celebrate with our families this year. Secretly I like little nicknames like this, like how I discovered people call our entryway the "Caldwell Shoe Mountain" because we force people to take off their shoes in our narrow little hall and you have to dig through the mountain of shoes when you leave to find your pair. Anyway: Orphan Thanksgiving...I'm going with it. And who knows, maybe it will be an annual thing for these three years at least. So I fortunately made everything in advance, and today only have to worry about my 21 pound turkey and stuffing. Which will sit in the oven for 5 hours as I relax!
Yesterday morning in between baking things, I was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade per tradition. But I'm pretty sure someone else saw more footage of it than I did. I was telling my in-laws on the phone that Milo had been watching the parade all morning, and my mother-in-law said, "You personify that cat!". Which I think is probably very true in most cases. But...well, I took these pictures every 30 minutes. You tell me:

I feel compelled to tell you that his eyes were wide open in each of these pictures (he wasn't napping), and he wasn't paying ANY attention to me when I'd offer him a treat. If you know Milo, you know he must have been pretty fixated to not want food.
This morning, I'm sitting wrapped in a blanket after my workout and coffee, waiting until my hair appointment at 10, and then I'm going to come back and stick the turkey in the oven, and relax for the rest of the day. Tell me that doesn't just sound blissful! Granted, I'm pretty lucky to have today off and be able to just enjoy my favourite time of the season, and celebrate with friends tonight over good food. I'm lucky in a lot of things. Let me elaborate:
1. I'm so thankful for Nolan. Residency is tough, and I miss him a lot, but we're making it work in our own way. I am so grateful for the time we do get together, and the memories we're making. He is the best part of me, and I am immensely blessed to call him my husband.
2. I'm thankful for my family. Both sides, all of it. No matter what happens, we're all still family, and we love each other. I'm so lucky that our families not only love us and support us, but they get along with each other. So we just have a giant big family, as it feels at times!
3. I'm thankful for my job. Don't I say this every week? Well, it's true. My job is great.
4. I'm thankful for our home. It's a relaxing, cozy little piece of us. It's a place where we feel safe and at ease. I could stay in here all day. Sometimes I do! And the surrounding area? Beautiful!
5. I'm thankful for our friends. All of them, in all areas. Some are far away and some I see several times a week. But they are all wonderful and mean a lot to me. I'm so thankful for such a great support system.
6. I'm thankful for so many things God has blessed us with, and sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed with how much I've been given. Most of all, I am daily grateful for His presence in my life, and His hand on my shoulder. Sometimes I don't stick as close to His side as I should or as I want to, but He is always there, waiting. I hope I never take that for granted.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!