Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It’s at this point into my daily (sob) bag of Razzles that I think, “I should stop. I am going to get diabetes or rot my teeth or put on 20 pounds…and WHY is 80% of this bag the oranges and yellows?!”

Today I invested in the Caudalie “Eau de Beaute” that The Pretty Analyst recommended. If I can get past the funky smell (something like what I imagine Mary Engelbreit smells like), I will be a huge fan. I *actually* feel rejuvenated already! Note to self: close lips when applying so I don’t also TASTE Mary Engelbright the next time I sip my coffee.

I also invested in (I imagine this is where Nolan cringes) another cardigan from Gap. I tell you what, their spring colours are FANTASTIC (I own 3 now), and what better to brave my office adversary (appropriately titled, “Psychopathic Thermostat Fluctuations: Arctic to Hell and Back Again”) with, than a nice ¾ sleeve cardigan. And who doesn’t love a cardigan, anyway.

Other than the normal pressures of a new job, I have chalked my tired eyes up to my contacts, and figured I need to take a glasses day. So I did today, and it is amazing how many people have said, “Wow, you wear glasses? Did you know I do, too?” I don’t really consider having poor eyes a bonding point, but now I feel like maybe I should start a “we’re all blind and it sucks but it’s okay because we have each other” fraternity or something. People obviously need to have vision buddies so they don’t feel alone in their groping blindness (that 3-minute time span until they pop in their contacts in the mornings and are miraculously healed). We could have “sight” parties and eat carrots and play “pin the glasses on the mannequin”.

My chilblains have come back with a vengeance. Anybody know a good remedy to get rid of ‘em?


Mrs. Campbell said...

I have to confess that I actually have no clue what Razzles are...

neighboUr said...

dude. haven't you seen thirteen going on thirty? they are the most PHENOMENAL CANDY EVAAARR