Thursday, February 19, 2009


Things I must admit to today and most days that you should probably be aware of:

I have not worked a day at my new job without first getting coffee. In other words: I have not entered that building without having fresh caffeine rushing through my veins.
I bought the London Fog drink at Starbucks today solely based on the name. It smells/tastes like soap. I hate it.
I get dry-mouth when I am in the elevator with powerful people.
I genuinely believe Milo has a soul, and will most likely end up in hell. But I love him probably more than is healthy.
The thing that has brought me the most joy today and yesterday (besides Nolan--that is just implied), is my extendable clip on my ID badge. I can swipe into the building from like 3 feet away if I have to. w00t.
I worry about the elevator crashing. Seriously, you probably would too if your ears popped multiple times on the way down and the car shook a bit on each floor.

I had my first personal training session today, and learned that a.) I am healthy and right where I should be, but b.) I need to tone and strengthen because c.) I have a lot of joint/bone issues to be aware of. So I therefore also have a chiropractor/sports trainer appt. on Monday, and my second personal training appt. In six weeks prepare to see a picture of me looking more ripped than whats-her-face from the Biggest Loser. Oh, right. Jillian Michaels.


The Pretty Analyst said...

I need to stop reading your blog at work because it makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD and blows my "I swear this is excel" cover.

Anonymous said...

Animals (especially cute ones) do not go hell!!!!! LOL They don't go anywhere actually (Although I agree with you that if there was a cat hell then Milo is on the one way fast track)