Monday, February 9, 2009

A New Leaf (because seriously I don't want to screw this up)

My (overdue) New Year's Resolution: not blog about work directly anymore. That includes at work (so my afternoon readers you might be disappointed to find I am writing later in the day now), and about work directly. By which I mean I may refer to work-related things/people but ALWAYS vaguely. I have already learned a few lessons from my first day today, the first of which helped me to reach this decision about blogging and the others are just interesting:
a.) people at my new work are not WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE like those at my old work. You know who you are if you read this (and I would if I were you because there have been some doozies), and do not talk about: 1.) their genitalia 2.) who did what in the men's bathroom today that required maintenance to pay a visit 3.) others' genitalia 4.) fart machines 5.) wild political rants 6.) general bashing (don't ask) 7. this is the "etc." category under which pretty much every other inappropriate but still makes you guffaw/snort into your hand when your supervisor isn't looking (and sometimes when he is) thing falls.
b.) no matter how much you love your work, there is always somewhere better in some way. In my case, in lots of ways, though I didn't even think that possible. I feel spoiled already.
c.) It is very possible that San Francisco may one day fall into the ocean...and my company is prepared and THEN some (they gave us all emergency backpacks with everything we need to survive in our cubicles for several days, and encouraged us to bring a book or a picture of our dog to put in there to "calm us" if we feel panicky during a disaster. I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure if I am trapped in the remains of my cube with only rubble around me and my crank-able flashlight to guide me, gazing into milo's frozen eyes is sure as hell not going to get me through it. ).

This being said, if you need me: email IS the new chat.

They took me to lunch today at the Palace Hotel. It is the swankiest...well, look: