Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I MAY have overreacted...

I got a haircut today. A haircut that took an hour and a half (to cut 2 inches, seriously!). A haircut that made me actually take the scissors from the hairstylists hands to do my own bangs for fear those would be botched too. Needless to say, I fled the scene thinking I had received a duplicate of my 5th grade haircut, what I like to call "Le WEDGE". It was awful...until I got home and straightened it, and then I felt bad for thinking bad thoughts at the hairstylist throughout the day. I even got my little layers back around the chin. See?

I also just got home from babysitting for a friend and his wife. Their son is 5, and since I am their first babysitter EVER (!), they had the most detailed instructions on everything in the house. Even their son drew me a detailed diagram for me, showing me EXACTLY how much ketchup and mustard he wanted on his hot dog, and which part of the plate he would like the macaroni to cover. It looked a little bit like two lines, so I mean, I assumed that meant that he liked light condiments as opposed to scribbles all over the page (thank God). I also got to watch Cartoon Network for the first time in forever, and spent most of it wondering what it must be like in the offices of the marketing/advertising departments for things like Oscar Meyer wieners and Jello. I know that it doesn't take that much to entertain kids, but...really? Corn Pops' commercial involves an upside-chin with googly eyes stuck on it, threatening scared townsfolk in Japanese (with subtitles, of course). I think I'll stay in my job. I like having a decent answer to: "So what did you do at work today?".

One more thing: before I forget; my mother recommended a movie to us when we were up there, called "August Rush", and you MUST watch it. Especially if you love music. And hot guys. And Keri Russell. And happy endings. Okay anyway, just see it--it's fantastic, and one of my new favourites (teaser for Twilight fans: the main male lead (the "dad") is the actor Stephenie Meyer had in her mind when she wrote Edward Cullen. Imagine THAT!).


The Pretty Analyst said...

That cut is cute and SO not as bad as you made it sound earlier! : ) Phew.

Glorysgirl said...

Cute haircut!

And it is funny how different our tastes in movies are. Jon and I saw August Rush and were both horrified at how awful it was. Especially Robin Williams as a perv.