Friday, February 27, 2009

Easypleaser: an expose on afternoon tea (or not)

I’m not hard to please. In fact, I think I’m pretty easy-going. I’m pretty good at letting things roll off my back and letting things go. I wasn’t always this way, but let’s just call this new(ish) development either “maturity” or “the product of marriage”, because let’s face it: that may be one of the most important keys to a successful marriage (don’t hate: obviously there are other equally and even more important things). So when I talk about how happy I am about something, or how pleased I am with my brilliant husband :), I genuinely mean it, and consider myself generally a very happy person. In all honesty, I think I get carried away sometimes and find myself thinking “man, I am SUCH a great wife! Look how easy-going I am!”…which I have confessed to my mother, who herself has been known to say things aloud like “Aren’t I SO charming?!”, and yet she rolls her eyes at my little confession. Huh. Where was I going with this? Oh, right. I was thinking about writing an entire post about how HAPPY my afternoon cup o’ Tazo Passion tea truly makes me (hence the title), until I realized nobody wants to read about that, and I should probably dig deep into my recesses and find something more entertaining to throw to the sharks…I got nothin’. But the tea…seriously.

1 comment:

Ashely said...