Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 2

I absolutely love my job. I mean my brain feels fried, but so far SO GOOD.

I even love the material my cube is made out of. It's easy to stick pins into and makes a satisfying crunching sound when you do.

Did I mention I have a huge, lovely smelling bouquet that was delivered to my desk yesterday from my coworkers? Eeee.

This morning I stopped in at Starbucks to, you know, feed the habit, and my favourite boys (who work there) decided that in honour of my new job, the drink was on them today. w00t w00t! Little did they know that by not making me pay, in my mind they were allowing me to spend money on another drink later today and feed the habit a little more. DOH. Since I was embarrassed about going back twice in 5 hours, I went to the one a block over, and lo and behold: one of the boys had transferred over there and asked what I was doing back again. Foiled.

Also, let me restate as I did 6 months ago, that I DO NOT understand some food-service people. I mean, I go into Subway (and this has happened before), and try to get my free 8th sandwich with my punch card, but no, I have to take a drink too. I can't just take a free sandwich, I have to take a drink too. Okay well I don't want an icy drink on a frigid January afternoon. They cannot seem to fathom a world where they save money by keeping their dumb drink and just giving me the sandwich, and instead tell me that if I don't want my drink, I can't use the punch card for my free sandwich. wtf, mate.

ylehsa sent me a video today that will look oddly familiar to those of you who have met my fat little child. Enjoy.

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