Tuesday, March 31, 2009

white america

Things like THIS are where people get American stereotypes. No wonder the rest of the world hates us.

Today was one of those backwards, anti-productive days. Like, I went to the gym and ate healthy...but then I also had starbucks 3 TIMES, just because I was that tired. I got a ton done at work and felt very productive, and am at this moment babysitting...but then again when I get home I know I have loads of unfolded laundry to put away and not a clean drinking glass to be found. See what I mean? Tomorrow's a new day, and I cannot wait until jury duty is over and life is back to normal (mostly).

I also can't believe that taking amtrak to Davis this weekend will cost me more than 40 bucks, when I could drive there on a quarter tank, IF that. What a crock.

I'm at the point with my tutoring where I just can't wait to be matched with a learner. We are waiting for a match, and apparently it could take a few weeks, or even more if there isn't someone just right out there right now. I appreciate the extra effort put towards matching, but dudes, I am ready NOW.

Nolan and I have been looking into new technology. Apparently being under 25 and not having a smart phone of some kind is some form of blasphemy here, so we're deciding on his and hers upgrades. He's going towards le iPhone, as I migrate to the Blackberry world. Of course we have totally different needs from our devices, so our choices reflect those, but I'm hoping that just by him having a qwerty keypad on whatever he ends up getting, I will stop getting text messages from him like, "food worry" or "ill be good at 9" or my personal favourite: "some rednecks are asking long questions". Oh wait, that one isn't a T9 typo...

1 comment:

The Pretty Analyst said...

I'm totally going to need three coffees today - although knowing that we're going to meet Dooce will help get me through the day! See you tonight!