Friday, May 8, 2009

Christmas must be on its way

As much as I adore my husband, sometimes I really enjoy my time alone. Like, not even alone, but I alone. Heh. Like last night for example? He was at the hospital since yesterday morning until 8am this morning, and so I stayed at the gym as long as I wanted, I took a long shower, I walked around looking frumpy, I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner at 8:30pm, and then I watched The Office in bed until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I'm a very independent person, and I am starting to think that is going to come in handy being a doctor's wife. On the other hand, who wouldn't miss coming home to this:

Instead, I came home to an overexcited Milo, who alternated between jabbing his filthy paw into my cereal and chewing on an electric socket.

You know, San Francisco never ceases to amaze me. I have seen all manner of things here, and it just never gets old. I mean the homeless woman peeing on a mailbox RIGHT outside of a Starbucks gets old, but sometimes I see things that are just...bizarre. Like:

I stop for a second, pull out the iPhone to take a picture, and then keep walking to catch my Muni to work. Because why wouldn't I have expected to see snow on a curb by the beach this morning.

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