...my husband now owns his own motorcycle. Which means that I get to ride around on the back until someday I get my own! For now, I am waiting patiently for my helmet and jacket to come in the mail (w00t!), and we are using every possible opportunity to take his motorcycle places. Need something at the store? We'll get it. Church bbq? We're in. For the first time ever, Nolan has been bugging me all afternoon about when can we go to Starbucks? Can we go yet? and I am thinking that I could REALLY get used to this. We also are in the process of making another exciting purchase, but I'll wait to post about that until I have more details...
Being up in Placerville for the weekend has been so phenomenal. Not only is the weather lovely enough to bake me to a crisp (yes!), but we've spent hours relaxing by the pool, spending time playing games with family, and even seeing friends:

We went to Jennie's bridal shower, and lo and behold: 4 of the 5 original VILLAins were there (roomies from college...we lived in the Villa and thought Villains was a clever name, since there are only 3 musketeers afterall). Cindus was there in spirit I'm sure, but she sucks and is overseas in a foreign paradise while we're here sweltering in the heat of the Sierra Nevada foothills. Blech.
Another big thing that happened this weekend:

My littlest brother graduated from high school. Man, he's still 6 years old in my head, and yet in a few months he leaves for college. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. One of these days I am going to wake up to Nolan adjusting my bedpan while I look in the mirror and realize I resemble the cryptkeeper. SOB.
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