Monday, May 11, 2009

Be sure to wear a flower in your hair

The guy next to me on the Muni (and by "next to", I mean literally sharing skin cells, because holy crap it was crowded) was trying to reassure all of us that being wedged between masses of strangers on a nasty train in a crowded city isn't that bad, because in Japan they use brooms to actually push people into every little crevice between the walls of flesh on their trains. I don't know about that...but I DID find this, which is equally disaster/lawsuit-waiting-to-happen:

Also, while clutching my sides and eating cereal and watching this (Happy Mother's Day!) with Milo while waiting for Nolan, at one point we heard this howling and thundering outside. After ascertaining that the wind almost blew our house down, Milo and I just stopped and looked at each other, and I'm fairly certain that our souls connected on a profound level in that moment, which was, "what the HELL is wrong with the weather here." Next time I feel like he and I are sharing thoughts, I will find that chick from Freaky Friday and ask her if she has any fortune cookies left, and how much are they please, because I would LOVE to be Milo for a day.

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