Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Mass hysteria seems to be a specialty of Americans. For instance, the SARS panic, and now Swine Flu? Obviously nobody wants to get sick, but now here we are a couple weeks later, thriving still...and apparently at the stages where it is appropriate to send mass emails at work out with this:

Which I received in my inbox, explaining that swine flu actually IS transmitted by pigs ;) And while I googled "dead kermit" to find a link I could actually use, I also came across this, which I am going to add as a link instead of a picture, mostly because I coughed up a piece of croissant when I saw it. *caution: photo is risqué* Hello, Muppet Superbowl XXXVIII. Also, this one popped up, and I have no reason to add it other than I wonder who made it and in what universe, because I'm sure Jim Hensen never gave out free kermit puppets, specifically to prevent abuse like this. Wise choice, Hensen, because I would go crazy if I had my very.own.kermit puppet.

After testing them out for two months, I have officially decided that every pair of shoes I ever buy ever again will be Crocs. Mostly because of the comfort level. This was reinforced when I went to the website this morning, and added 4 pairs and tentatively 2 others in my cart :( Fortunately, my conscience is still alive somewhere and I didn't click "order". Because how embarrassing would it be to have that many pairs of Crocs delivered to my desk.

Nolan is still hunting for a motorcycle, but we are hoping to get one asap! I mostly am excited because then I can ride on the back and get all excitement of a motorcycle without having to buy one myself. Also: I won't have to stress about being the one to cream us into the sidewalk outside CostCo.


Noemma said...

This comment is in regards to your previous post on your connection with Milo. I also, would love to be Milo for a day. But I think he would kill to be any human for one day...and I think I would leave the Bay Area.

Noemma said...

By the way, I was watching your reviews on products...and it made me miss you so much. <3

neighboUr said...

Boo, I miss you too!