Friday, May 29, 2009


"As a result of spending so much time in the dungeon, Milo's normally white coat is now a "dirty blond". I think he enjoys being here with only a thin pane of glass between him and where the wild things are. He seems content to look warily out at where the wild things are knowing that if that 1/8" of glass were not there, the result would be certain death."
-another blackberry message from my dad, fond of his new-found blog-fame (just kidding, pop!)

I cannot believe I chose sleep this morning over leaving work at a normal time. Fridays certainly drag on, especially when you are the last one in the office. Tomorrow is a friend's wedding, and I'm already planning on when the best time to shave my legs will be, because in San Francisco, you need to do it early enough before your event that you won't have razor burn, but close enough to the event that your legs won't grow it all out again due to the freezing butt cold weather. My life is so complicated.

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